Video call with a doctor

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Video call

Need more than just a chat to properly describe your health issues? Schedule a video call with an internist who will discuss your health concerns and advise you on how to proceed during a 30-minute online consultation.

Online consultation

Consultation online from your home

You can connect with doctors via video call from the comfort of your own home or from anywhere else.

physical and mental health

Help with physical and mental health

Our doctors will advise you on the physical and psychological difficulties that you or a loved one is experiencing.


Confidentiality of information

All information shared during the consultation is kept confidential and subject to medical confidentiality.

A comprehensive approach to your health

The internist has years of experience and can diagnose your problems even remotely. That way, you won't infect patients in the waiting room and avoid the risk of getting sick along the way. Within 30 minutes, he or she will be dedicated to you and your problems. He will help you discover what the ailment is, what the likely cause is and advise you on how to proceed.

Schedule a video call


Don't worry if you think a 30-minute online call is not enough to resolve your health issue. Once you make the payment, we will provide you with a link that will be active for 1 month (30 days). You can arrange as many consultations as you need during this period. This ensures that you get the necessary attention and your health issue is resolved without any hassle.


Nearly one in five people in the world will be affected by cancer. So don't leave anything to chance and start a free chat with our oncologist about cancer prevention.

Our team of English-speaking oncologists will advise you on how to perform breast and testicular self-examinations and detect cancer early on. They will discuss with you your family history, your current health, whether your lifestyle is risky and what you could change to minimise your chances of getting the disease.


The price for a monthly subscription is

$790 (AED 2,900)

Upon payment, you will be given access to a link active for 30 days.

How does it work?


If you are facing any health issues, you can describe your symptoms to a doctor via video call. During the call, you can even show the symptoms or share pictures.


The doctor will ask for all the necessary information and will examine you during the video call to determine the cause of the problem and recommend action.


If the doctor feels that a personal examination is necessary, they will suggest a clinic where you can make an appointment to address your concerns promptly and accurately.


If your condition or treatment requires it, the doctor will follow up with you via chat or video call to ensure that your condition is improving.

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